
Emotional Manipulation and Guilt Tripping Tactics used in the US Military

Avoid Joining the Military I was browsing Reddit on /r/NewToTheNavy and I came across a post that spoke to me. The Redditor is /u/M3rmaidMan and the Redditor was asking if their experience with their recruiter was normal, which the majority of the commenters pointed out that the interaction wasn't normal and it was emotional manipulation and guilt tripping tactics.  A little bit about myself, I am in Coronado, CA near NASNI. I used to work here for the United States Navy from 2016-2019 and my whole Naval experience was in short, terrible. I was asked to come out here in 2021 to cat sit for two Sailors and emotional manipulation and guilt tripping was used pretty commonly and still to this day. I had my own apartment in Knoxville, TN, my own cat, and my own life to take care of but I had to drop everything for these two people. It took about 3 months just for the owner of the cat to talk to me after I had to plead with her to talk to me because the person I was cat sitting for, her ...